The Cow Town Cycling Team and Jewel Cartoons would like to invite you
out to the God’s Country Off-Road Duathlon. For 10 years this event
has been offering up “Fat Tire” fun from beginners to experts alike.
Come join in the fun on April 10, 2011 at the Lawrence River Trails
and start your multisport season off with us.
This year we are focusing on a well-organized fun event that anyone
can do and will not break the bank. For an entry fee of only $30.00
you get a multi-sport event with chip timing. Where else can you find
that? Entry fee includes one-day license, custom awards, post-race
refreshments/food and a delightful course that any ability level will
Early entry discount ends April 1, 2011.
Event Details:
• 2.5 Mile trail run / 11 Mile Off-road bike
• Awards 3 deep in both M/F age-groups.
• Packet pickup/Registration opens at 8:00a.m. and closes at 10:30 am
• Mass start at 11:00 am (new time for 2011)
• Event Website:
http://www.fattireduathlon.com/go/• Online Registration:
http://www.active.com/triathlon/lawrence-ks/gods-country-offroad-duathlon-2011• Race Director: Gerard Arantowicz -
jewelcartoons@yahoo.com• Official Timing Service: Raceday Timing Solutions
Other stuff you may or may not need to know:
• This event would not take place if not for the Lawrence Mountain
Bike Club & Patrol, our wonderful event volunteers and the countless
volunteers that help maintain the trail systems.
• Thousands of athletes have entered Fat Tire Duathlon events and
everyone one of them have finished with a smile on their face.
• The UFD MTB season opens on April 9 at the same great location.
• Distances are approximate an may change slightly due to course
• Trails shoes are suggested, but not necessary to have fun.
• Weather and course will be perfect
• Tige, Laura and Damian are not racing so anyone can now win.
• Cool awards for the top 3 in each age-group, but in our eyes
everyone is a winner.
• Individual and Team divisions are available.
• Part of the bike course will route you up on the levee to allow
ample passing.
• Helmets are required at all times on the bike.
I hope to see many of you out at the Lawrence River Trails next month