At the Cramp Alexander MTB race Tige Lamb lined up with some of the best experts in the region including Mark Studnicki, Cameron Chambers and Shad Shreiner. Both Mark and Tige started in the second wave of the experts and rode together until the end passing all the other experts except for the speedy Shad. Proving once again the sometimes age is better that youth. John Wagner took the Single Speed win for Cow Town with an excellent ride. Complete results are up - Results
On the road side Ma

The following week the Cow Town fat tire crew was out in force at the Sunflower State games and Show-Me-State Games MTB events. Damian Almanza is showing some great form lately and took top honors on the challenging MacLennan park . Damain won the Expert 30-39 division and clocked the quickest time of the day in 1:40. Next up was Team Bad Goat who took a podium sweep of the Expert 20-29 division . Complete Sunflower MTB results here. Our Missouri riders also had t
On the multi-sport side this Cow Towner showed that Cow's can indeed swim, bike and run - Fast.