From the Race Director of the 18th Annual Froze Toes Road Race...
Event Flyer Here.
Dear bike shops, clubs and racers:
Attached is the much-anticipated flier for the18th annual 2007 Froze Toes Bicycle Race in Columbia, MO. Please post it on your website and/or in your shop and tell all your friends!
If you raced last year and had to arrive early, notice that we are back to our traditional noon start time.
Although there is no cash payout, Cat 1-3 & Women's Open racers will race for a free entry into the Tour of the Hill in St. Louis. Merchandise, including free race entries into the Rolla Hellbender, will be awarded as explained on the flier. Racers will also earn MOBAR points for free 2008 race entries.
Racers, this inaugural race for the 2007 season will give you the chance to see your racing buddies, test your winter training and check out your competition for the coming season.
Julie Pautler Hall